I know this one for a long time but I just remembered it a few days ago. I think it is probably the easiest soup receipe ever, well, not as easy as heating can soup but still..
Here we go:
You need:
75 ml oil
one big onion
3 tbsps caraway
4 tbsps flour
2-3 l water
Salt (of course!) and bread croûtons for serving, cheese - if you like the idea
You heat the oil and add the chopped onion, stir fry till golden. Add the caraway, fry for a minute, then add the flour. Keep stirring :). When it thickens add slowly the water stirring constantly so you don't get lump soup :))).
Add salt by taste, and serve with croutons and - if you want to - grated cheese.
Is this stupid simple or what?!
Mrs Anastasexi, please add your variation for the croûtons, it sounded really good but I am too lazy to write it right now ;).
Supa de chimen.. stupid de simpla
E nevoie de:
75 ml ulei
o ceapa mare
3 linguri chimen
4 linguri faina
2-3 l apa
Sare (evident!) si crutoane pentru servit, eventual branza - daca va place ideea
Cum procedati:
Se caleste ceapa in uleiul incins, pana se face aurie. Se adauga chimenul, si dupa cca un minut se adauga faina, amestecand ca sa nu se prinda. Cand incepe sa se ingroase se adauga putin cate putin apa, camestecand ca sa nu se formeze cocloase.
Sare- dupa gust.
Se serveste cu crutoane si - dupa cum spuneam, daca va surade ideea - cu branza rasa.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Boun's Boeuf Bourguignon
So: I just watched this being done. The result was great!
I was cooking some "peasant potatoes" when he also started cooking. I was a bit surprised and then I found out that actually he is preparing the next day's dinner. So be careful, you need one night and a few hours to make this!
What you need:
1 kg beef, cut in chunky pieces
4-5 cloves of garlick
150 gr. bacon, cut in small pieces
2 big onions, one cut in quarters and one chopped
3 carrots, cut in diagonal slices of about 3 cms
750 ml. dry red wine
Black pepper, salt
Thyme - if you feel like adding some
TIME! :))
How to do it:
Put the bacon in a stew pot, over medium heat, until the fat breaks down. Add the chopped garlic and as soon as it changed color a bit add the meat and the onion . Let it fry for about 5 minutes, stirring so they don't stick, and then add the wine, salt and pepper. Let it simmer for about 3 hours, with the lid put on so it does not get dry. Add the carrots and let it simmer for another 20 - 30 minutes.
Then set it aside, over night. At room temperature.
The next day reheat it and continue simmering for another hour or so. Add thyme, if you want to, you can also add laurel.
And that's it!
We had it with rice, but I think I would of liked it more with baked or boiled potatoes with some parsley sprinkled over. The sauce is absolutely delicious and the meat gets so tender you will have a hard time believing it really is beef!
Enjoy - and let me know what you think about it!
PS - the guy ate the stuff with mustard. I tried it and it's not bad at all. I preffer it without, though :)
Vita Bourguignon
1 kg carne de vita, taiata in bucati mai mari
4-5 catei de usturoi
150 gr. bacon, taiata bucatele
2 cepe mari, una taiata in sferturi si una tocata
3 morcovi, curatati si taiati in felii de 3 cm, pe diagonala
750 ml. vin rosu sec
Piper, sare
TIMP! :))
Cum se face:
Se caleste bacon intr-o tigaie pentru friptura, pana cand se topeste grasimea. Se adauga usturoiul taiat felii, si dupa ce isi schimba putin culoarea se adauga ceapa si carnea. Se prajesc timp de cca. 5 minute, apoi se adauga vinul si sarea. Se la sa la fiert 3 ore, cu capacul pus ca sa nu se evapore vinul. Dupa cele 3 ore se adauga morcovii, se mai fierbe 20-30 de minute, dupa care se opreste focul. Oala se lasa pe aragaz (nu la frigider!) peste noapte - cea facuta de Boun a stat pana a doua zi la 6 seara.
A doua zi se reincalzeste si se lasa sa fiarba inca o ora. Inainte de a se servi se adauga cimbru.
Cam asta ar fi. El a servit-o cu orez fiert, eu cred ca ar fi mers mult mai bine cu cartofi fierti sau copti, cu patrunjel presarat peste..
De asemenea, el a mancat-o cu mustar. Am incercat si eu, pentru ca a zis ca ei asa o mananca, si este buna. Dar o prefer fara. ;)
I was cooking some "peasant potatoes" when he also started cooking. I was a bit surprised and then I found out that actually he is preparing the next day's dinner. So be careful, you need one night and a few hours to make this!
What you need:
1 kg beef, cut in chunky pieces
4-5 cloves of garlick
150 gr. bacon, cut in small pieces
2 big onions, one cut in quarters and one chopped
3 carrots, cut in diagonal slices of about 3 cms
750 ml. dry red wine
Black pepper, salt
Thyme - if you feel like adding some
TIME! :))
How to do it:
Put the bacon in a stew pot, over medium heat, until the fat breaks down. Add the chopped garlic and as soon as it changed color a bit add the meat and the onion . Let it fry for about 5 minutes, stirring so they don't stick, and then add the wine, salt and pepper. Let it simmer for about 3 hours, with the lid put on so it does not get dry. Add the carrots and let it simmer for another 20 - 30 minutes.
Then set it aside, over night. At room temperature.
The next day reheat it and continue simmering for another hour or so. Add thyme, if you want to, you can also add laurel.
And that's it!
We had it with rice, but I think I would of liked it more with baked or boiled potatoes with some parsley sprinkled over. The sauce is absolutely delicious and the meat gets so tender you will have a hard time believing it really is beef!
Enjoy - and let me know what you think about it!
PS - the guy ate the stuff with mustard. I tried it and it's not bad at all. I preffer it without, though :)
Vita Bourguignon
1 kg carne de vita, taiata in bucati mai mari
4-5 catei de usturoi
150 gr. bacon, taiata bucatele
2 cepe mari, una taiata in sferturi si una tocata
3 morcovi, curatati si taiati in felii de 3 cm, pe diagonala
750 ml. vin rosu sec
Piper, sare
TIMP! :))
Cum se face:
Se caleste bacon intr-o tigaie pentru friptura, pana cand se topeste grasimea. Se adauga usturoiul taiat felii, si dupa ce isi schimba putin culoarea se adauga ceapa si carnea. Se prajesc timp de cca. 5 minute, apoi se adauga vinul si sarea. Se la sa la fiert 3 ore, cu capacul pus ca sa nu se evapore vinul. Dupa cele 3 ore se adauga morcovii, se mai fierbe 20-30 de minute, dupa care se opreste focul. Oala se lasa pe aragaz (nu la frigider!) peste noapte - cea facuta de Boun a stat pana a doua zi la 6 seara.
A doua zi se reincalzeste si se lasa sa fiarba inca o ora. Inainte de a se servi se adauga cimbru.
Cam asta ar fi. El a servit-o cu orez fiert, eu cred ca ar fi mers mult mai bine cu cartofi fierti sau copti, cu patrunjel presarat peste..
De asemenea, el a mancat-o cu mustar. Am incercat si eu, pentru ca a zis ca ei asa o mananca, si este buna. Dar o prefer fara. ;)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Salata tiganeasca de peste
So, la cererile insistente ale doamnei Adams ,in seara asta va prezentam faimoasa salata tiganeasca de peste a mamei :D
Nu stiu cine mai e pasionat de asa ceva, dar am zis ca daca tot sunt breasla de neveste sa impartasesc informatia :D
Asadar, ingredientele: 2-3 macrouri subtiri ( sa nu aiba burta groasa, asa a zis mama, da?), enibahar boabe, piper boabe, dafin, 1 ceasca de otet, 4 linguri de ulei, 4 cepe, 2-3 cutii rosii decojite intregi in bulion, cine e smecher si are de la mamici/matusi/bunici bulion de ardei, cine nu, ardei capia, gras rosu, etc, 1 lingurita de sare, preferabil grunjoasa.
Preparare: se eviscereaza pestele si sa taie in doua sau daca vreti in 3-4 bucati.
Intr-un litru jumatate de apa se adauga ceasca de otet, enibahar si piper boabe si foi de dafin. se da in clocot si cand se face dafinul verde inchis frumos (asta tot mama a zis-o) si fierbe apa acolo se adauga pestele si se mai lasa 5 minute la fiert.dupa cele 5 minute se scoate pestele, se scurge, se alege de oase si se indeparteaza pielita dupa care se taie bucatele.
Intr-o tigaie se calesc cele 4 cepe, apoi se adauga cele 2-3 cutii de rosii taiate (daca vi se pare prea groasa compozitia mai puteti pune ceva sos de rosii), enibaharul si piperul dar macinate (eu una as pune piper si macinat si boabe), 2 frunze de dafin, lingurita de sare si ardeii sau bulionul de ardei, boia iute/sau dulce dupa preferinte. dupa ce sunt gata astea se toarna intr-o cratita peste peste si se lasa la fezandat. Din proprie experienta va spun ca gustul e mai belea dupa o zi decat daca il consumati la 4 ore dupa ce e gata. Si merge belea pe paine prajita.
PS sau nota speciala de la mama: ''fara enibahar nu faci nici o duda, baza e in condimente :D''
Va dorim pofta buna!
Daca am omis ceva, mea culpa. verisoara Irina (aka Zvarcolacu) le mai are cu gatitul, asa ca poate mai vine ea cu o completare :D
Nu stiu cine mai e pasionat de asa ceva, dar am zis ca daca tot sunt breasla de neveste sa impartasesc informatia :D
Asadar, ingredientele: 2-3 macrouri subtiri ( sa nu aiba burta groasa, asa a zis mama, da?), enibahar boabe, piper boabe, dafin, 1 ceasca de otet, 4 linguri de ulei, 4 cepe, 2-3 cutii rosii decojite intregi in bulion, cine e smecher si are de la mamici/matusi/bunici bulion de ardei, cine nu, ardei capia, gras rosu, etc, 1 lingurita de sare, preferabil grunjoasa.
Preparare: se eviscereaza pestele si sa taie in doua sau daca vreti in 3-4 bucati.
Intr-un litru jumatate de apa se adauga ceasca de otet, enibahar si piper boabe si foi de dafin. se da in clocot si cand se face dafinul verde inchis frumos (asta tot mama a zis-o) si fierbe apa acolo se adauga pestele si se mai lasa 5 minute la fiert.dupa cele 5 minute se scoate pestele, se scurge, se alege de oase si se indeparteaza pielita dupa care se taie bucatele.
Intr-o tigaie se calesc cele 4 cepe, apoi se adauga cele 2-3 cutii de rosii taiate (daca vi se pare prea groasa compozitia mai puteti pune ceva sos de rosii), enibaharul si piperul dar macinate (eu una as pune piper si macinat si boabe), 2 frunze de dafin, lingurita de sare si ardeii sau bulionul de ardei, boia iute/sau dulce dupa preferinte. dupa ce sunt gata astea se toarna intr-o cratita peste peste si se lasa la fezandat. Din proprie experienta va spun ca gustul e mai belea dupa o zi decat daca il consumati la 4 ore dupa ce e gata. Si merge belea pe paine prajita.
PS sau nota speciala de la mama: ''fara enibahar nu faci nici o duda, baza e in condimente :D''
Va dorim pofta buna!
Daca am omis ceva, mea culpa. verisoara Irina (aka Zvarcolacu) le mai are cu gatitul, asa ca poate mai vine ea cu o completare :D
Let's get this started!
Well, this idea just came as we were discussing the next recipe. We thought it is a good one, so we hope others will find out the same. It is not the first blog on this theme, and maybe not the thousand and first one, we know it. And we know we don't have the experience others have. I, for instance, enjoy a lot the regular junk food. And there are many times when time does not allow me - or us - to cook something. Or the mood. BUT there are the other times - ant this blog is intended for those occasions.
What we plan to have here: our favorite recipes. From different sources or maybe just invented, anyway, what we like to eat - and cook.
We do have our reasons for posting in both Romanian and English. If there is something that you are curious about, just ask. We will be glad to answer. In either of the 2 languages.
With this being said, here we go!
What we plan to have here: our favorite recipes. From different sources or maybe just invented, anyway, what we like to eat - and cook.
We do have our reasons for posting in both Romanian and English. If there is something that you are curious about, just ask. We will be glad to answer. In either of the 2 languages.
With this being said, here we go!
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